Well you don't do Politics to do English. I do POLS1018 and so far it's pretty easy. Basically it is 'this bloke thought this' and 'this other guy thought the same thing, but with this different in his theory'. The essay is basically a statement you need to critically analyse while showing that...
1. The other unis don't.
2. You're asking a question pertaining to how to access something AT USYD.
3. Would you pay 6 figures for something everyone else gets as well?
*Using thread*
I'm getting tired of Uniwalk being so slippery in the rain when I'm wearing things. I almost slipped over three times in my walk from Matthews to College on Monday.
Inherent in your post is the assumption that politik wouldn't actually approach you and say things to your face.
In other news, internet is serious business.
I'm not sure why I'm posting an answer to such a stupid fucking thread, but anyway...
College life is nothing like you see in the movies. There are a few similarities, but nothing much is the same. Remember that things in movies are never accurate representations of things you see in real life...
They're not a cult - they're a political party. The 'Citizens' Electoral Council'. They follow the ideas of Lyndon LaRouche, a US economist who thinks the world financial system will collapse in 10 years or less. They also think it is a viable political move to build a Eurasian land-bridge. Go...