I was almost kicked out of school for playing truth of dare.
My dad tried to kick me out of home for getting a C on my report card...it was for PE and I am the most uncoordinated person in the world and he hates sport. so wtf haha
I got my bus pass confiscated when I chewed my thumb when...
I have had so many boys cry on my shoulder about girls and they are just pussys considering I'm a girl and have cried over a boy once and that was because he died.
Boys are way to sensitive these days.
God i hate fake tan, it smells so gross and most people who wear it can't apply it properly or whatever and they just look dirty.
So yes, there is such a thing as too much fake tan.
I've wasted all of my energy reserved for study on my last 2 exams and now I have a chem one tomorrow and i am terrible at chem and I just can't be bothered do study for it just so i can pass.
Wish I could just harden the fuck up and study for it.
Hahaha that is so funny.
My boyfriend was just like 'why would you think its me...thats just weird' haha
I was talking to this random for about 40 minutes. I hung up when he tried to get me to finger my asshole. haha ew.
Hahaha yeah I know its stupid but I was asleep when my boyfriend texted me really early this morning to say he was sick so he won't be coming over. Then I fell asleep and my phone rang with a private number and the guy on the other end was like 'hey babe' which I just assumed it was my...
When I can't tell who is calling. Like its either a private call or I don't have their number saved in my phone.
Anyway I just had phone sex with someone that I thought was my boyfriend but wasn't.
Hahaha I'm just putting it down to being really tired.
My best friend hated the idea of me loving my boyfriend because I've never been the relationship type and now that I have someone I really like he wanted me to break up with him, no idea why. But he kept making this huge deal out of it saying that I'd changed and rah rah rah.
And then he texts...
I have an exam tomorrow afternoon and I have only been to 2 lectures for this subject so I have to look over all the lecture notes tonight/tomorrow morning.
I don't understand why I do this to myself haha
Haha yeah thanks, I agree I like pale people but I think I personally look better with a bit of colour.
But I guess its better then being all sun damaged etc.