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  1. brent012

    the Advertise section's updated "sections" are unreadable in dark mode

    It's been raised with the developer that worked on that Advertisement page and the layout changes
  2. brent012

    They can raise it with Trebla in the contact mods section if they want, but this account is...

    They can raise it with Trebla in the contact mods section if they want, but this account is nearly a year old and as said above without activity on the forum there's not much concern besides the account showing up with google searches.
  3. brent012

    Did a section just disappear off my profile settings?

    Those fields are intended for data on registrations, so we know how people found the site and why they joined etc. They are not shown on user profiles, just used for user demographic details. But it looks like it can be left empty (as it's an "Other" response) and can be set after registration...
  4. brent012

    Did a section just disappear off my profile settings?

    I'm not aware of any changes to user profile fields The "Other" fields are related to checkboxes about how you found the site, e.g. if the response isn't one of the pre-defined options.
  5. brent012


    The one that shows on your posts is "Custom Title", the one on the profile is "Custom Subtitle" and was migrated over from the old site. The profiles did display differently on the previous software (before 2019ish), but if I recall correctly even back then the "custom subtitle" was kind of...
  6. brent012

    The developer that made the design changes is addressing or considering all feedback on the...

    The developer that made the design changes is addressing or considering all feedback on the changes currently.
  7. brent012

    making avatar gif

    It's no longer supported unfortunately, the forum software has to process the thumbnails and does not natively support GIFs -- the approaches to get it working were not feasible for security reasons.
  8. brent012

    Best Programming Languages for Beginners in IT

    For your use cases, definitely Python. It's probably the most well rounded programming language (i.e. certain languages may be better for some use cases, but none better across the board) and very accessible for beginners. It's also probably the best language for data analysis and machine...
  9. brent012

    @its_ace21 not sure sorry, the vendor is still running public beta tests but doesn't provide...

    @its_ace21 not sure sorry, the vendor is still running public beta tests but doesn't provide timelines otherwise.
  10. brent012

    Insertion vs Selection Sort

    My understanding was that it does not bubble up when moving the min/max, but instead shifts all elements to make room. But online there are resources showing both. So i'd probably go with whatever the HSC textbooks say and your teacher shows you, jchips' resource shows the shifting version...
  11. brent012

    Insertion vs Selection Sort

    The selection sort grows a sorted portion of the array by finding the next smallest/largest element and swapping it with the first/last unsorted element. We don't need to touch the sorted portion of the array, just grow it by swapping out the element that's in the spot we want to use. This means...
  12. brent012

    Thoughts on this article?

    I think it's because there is almost no exclusivity of universities in Australia, every single university (maybe not course) is achievable for an average student - even if you may have to do some transfers or take a less desirable course to get there. As a result, there's not much real prestige...
  13. brent012

    unsw vs uts 😹

    As for Business vs Commerce, this is simply a naming choice. UTS B Business is their equivalent to UNSW B Commerce. All of the older universities in Australia use "Commerce", and may offer separate "Business" or "Business Services" degrees which are not equivalent. I believe UTS call it Business...
  14. brent012

    unsw vs uts 😹

    Not true, you might be thinking of "Bachelor of Engineering Science Bachelor of Laws" which has the equivalent of a 3 year "Engineering Science" degree rather than 4/5 year "Engineering". Engineering/Business is the full accredited engineering degree with embedded honours. Unlike the...
  15. brent012


    Lecturers are notorious for replying to long emails with brief responses ("yes"). It will probably be more effective to talk to tutors or post questions on whatever discussion board your uni uses.
  16. brent012

    A question for engineering students at Uni

    Never used SolidWorks, so not sure what the bottlenecks are tbh. But I knew mates (at UTS) studying Mechanical who were installing SolidWorks on their home PCs/laptops back in 2013, back when 8gb was quite good lol. The specs suggest 16gb+ RAM, but i'd assume having the minimum specs would be...
  17. brent012

    A question for engineering students at Uni

    I had a look at the Handbook for first year, and it seems the main programming will be an introductory CS course in first year and any programming that comes up during other courses e.g. Maple for maths, most likely some coding with some of the other courses given the CS pre-req. As it's a CS...
  18. brent012

    A question for engineering students at Uni

    Stuff like SolidWorks for mechanical engineering I think you would need a Windows machine for running natively. For Software Engineering/Comp Sci, running Linux would be preferable (but may not suffice as your only operating system) but you could probably make a case for either MacOS being...
  19. brent012

    brittany higgins

    This is what has confused me a lot ever since the BRS defamation trial, it felt like a criminal case. That's why I commented earlier, I genuinely think a lot of the general public might not realise that in this case Brittany Higgins is just a witness in a defamation trial between Lehrmann and...
  20. brent012

    brittany higgins

    It's not even a criminal case though? IMO it's kind of ridiculous that he started a defamation trial under these circumstances.