hi all
whos started their pip apart from doing the intro .Also whats your topic?
i'm looking at our comsumer culture and the impacts thats having on our values and morals
i've been shortsighted since i was about 6 .it sucks .but i don't mind glasses they can be kool at times.
but yeh i'm lucky i only need them in the classroom
i think you can only do it if your really fucked .they might give you a few marks but not enough to pass that question.
leaving it blank shows that you don't know what your on about and that u haven't put in any effort.
dot points will show that you have run out of time but you know what your...
omg yes .i got motivated a few days ago wyhen i saw how much shit have to do
and my mum going on about how she doesn't want to be shamed of me by the end of the year
(god i love being ethnic)
i think if i don't go out anymore it should be ok
I don't think there should be a fat tax. Living in a lower socio economic there are heaps of "fat" people in comparison to the city area .theses so called fat people can't afford to pay more taxes. Some can barely afford to pay off there shopping or even find a job
Paying taxes won't stop...
i makes notes.then closer to exams thoses notes become smaller and smaller till i have about 1 years worth of work on 2 pages .also i talk about it with my mum ,even if she dosen't get it ,helps me take it in
i feel like it's a waste of time .i'm really not motivated to do it
i'm probs drop it
my poor parents they really thought i would be good at maths
hi all.i'm currently doing 13 units which is way to much and hard to keep up with as i have 2 major projects to do.i was thinking of dropping gen math as it scales low and i'm not that great at it. leaving me with 11 units
my other subjects include
society and culture
modern history...