I rang up Basser, and the head person said that there is an acute shortage of rooms at the moment. After my interview (by another person since the head of Basser was on leave) I was recommended a place, except they just have not got any.
I'm 'very high on the waiting list' atm on both TKC and...
Cheers :)
All my advanced peers got the marks they were expecting or thereabouts. I just wanna get to the bottom of this, and see why the whole cohort bombed out. Not only that, a person arrived 30 minutes late for paper 2, and he's not even ranked in the top 20 in EnS, got 66/100. I'm ranked...
Same here for standard. My teachers thought I'd hit mid 80s, and I got 73.
I STILL topped the school with that. WTF is going on I don't know. If I stuffed up, how on earth did everyone else?
i got 73/100 for Standard English. I was expecting at least 80+. My teacher was expecting around 85.
Having said that, I still managed to TOP the school with 73. Something feels wrong, my teacher with 20 years experience can't explain it. She says she is as astounded as I am.
I think it's time...
Firstly, sorry to hear about your circumstance. If you did not already know, you can apply for special provisions for the HSC under these circumstances. Talk to your school career adviser about it.
I agree, timetable may be a good idea. However, I myself cannot keep to a timetable to win a...
The point is not what you sacrificed, but what you can continue to sacrifice until the end of the HSC.
I've known people to give up wow after prelim started... and played wow everyday even during the trials and HSC exams
Re: Future Plans: What UAI/course/job are you aiming for?
lol any uai is possible, if you work hard for it. Don't think just because you're taking ext 2 you're gonna get a high uai, likewise if you don't do ext 2 doesn't mean you're gonna get a low uai.
Your effort for your subjects will be...
Do not worry. If you're good at it, you'll have to work that bit harder to catch up, but you'll be right. That bit of hard work is also gonna pay off at your final exams.
My friend got LAST in his first English Adv assessment, he still came out top by a country mile.
Imagine how far ahead if...
Dw about it too much
The HSC is the most important thing
I wouldn't have cared if they gave us 5 minutes for History/Geography cos at the end of the day, SC does not affect your HSC
teacher = very important
I have an awesome teacher who teaches very, very well.
I also know another teacher at our school who ... put it this way, people have claimed to un-learn when having him as a teacher