Um, i'm pretty sure those causes are infact factors that influence.
But i'm not saying you're wrong, this question better not be asked because you can answer it in so many different ways
There's actually more than four factors which influence the vulnerability of ecosystems. These include: BILLSSUP
Inertia, constancy, resilience
Linkages and interdependence
Sustainability of resources
Spatial extent
Population characteristics
Um i know this is really late but fuck off thestallion you gay yr 11 cunt. I'm pretty sure prelim's are only 2 hours long and not 3. Having 2 tests straight after each other is fine in prelim but HSC is another matter. Douche
I'm so upset. i reckon i'll get 19 or 20 for multiple choice, short answers werent too bad. hopefully i get around 35, but the extended response questions completely fucked me up. i'm looking at a really low mark for both of them. FUCKKKK, i spent 10 times the amount on study for this but it...
The questions being asked on here are hilarious. There are so many noobs who are stressing on so many things. And why our people asking how to study and what syllabuses are? WTF
Geo is rediculous having to do 3 20mark essays. Essays in other subjects are fine because its possible to speed through multiple choice with simple knowledge questions, whereas is geo, every multiple choice questions involves measuring and calculating so then we have less time to use for essays...