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  1. BeDifferent

    teaching or accounting!?!?!?!

    Yeah, but you need to be "approved" first by the DET. Most of the time, your first teaching job is the one that you're "approved to teach. But once you're in the school you may teach whichever subjects your school needs you to teach.
  2. BeDifferent

    Do HSC sciences need more maths?

    I'm a physics teacher and maths teacher (I'm using my brothers account) and I personally don't think the physics course needs that much of an overhaul. Originally the physics course was predominately mathematic based but many of the student's didn't understand the concept behind the mathematic...
  3. BeDifferent


    The UAI for teaching has been steady for a few years now. Most teaching courses have very little enrollments so you may be lucky that it remain in the 80's. You could do a Ba Arts and a post graduate such as Dip Ed, M Ed to become a teacher.
  4. BeDifferent

    teaching or accounting!?!?!?!

    Another thing if you choose to do an accounting degree and then a graduate degree in teaching, you might not be approved to teach anything but "commerce" depending on your major. Accounting degrees in university have very little or no maths. You may choose to do other subjects in your elective...
  5. BeDifferent

    teaching or accounting!?!?!?!

    To be a teacher, your heart has to be 100% in it. The pay and holidays are great but the amount of hours doing after school work like marking, making worksheets, lesson plans etc counters it. You will be taking home a lot of work as well. Teacher's start off with 50 K plus but the pay increases...
  6. BeDifferent


    Bump the question =]
  7. BeDifferent


    Hey doing similar question but there is an extension to this question, let x=z+1/z .... blah blah i got something like x^3+x^2-2x-1=0 and then the last part is hence deduce cos pi/7*cos2pi/7*cos3pi/7=1/8 :) help please
  8. BeDifferent

    What kind of school do you go to?

    Parramatta High...c'mon you lurkers, I'm pretty sure there's more of us.
  9. BeDifferent

    Binomial Problem =O

    If you could do it, it'll be much appreciated. x^n(1+1/x)^n(1+x)^2=(1+x)^n+2 I obtained that part, but the problem lies in the second part (n) +2( n ) + ( n ) = (n+2) (r)-----(r-1)----(r-2)----( r ) Yea, didn't really know how to do that short hand notation for nCk :uhoh: Whoops editted
  10. BeDifferent

    What are the accepted molar heat capacity of the following?

    Oh...yea my bad molar heat of combustion completely rushed and didn't bother reading what I typed before >_<" It was just in a question in one of the practicals where you had to graph the accepted values vs experimental value. Anyhow I obtained the results, if you are curious anyways...
  11. BeDifferent

    What are the accepted molar heat capacity of the following?

    Ethanol Methylated Spirits Propanol Sorry if this was posted before, I've searched using the search function so don't go nuts. Thanks~ :)
  12. BeDifferent

    Current?? Physics...

    HAHA Thanks.:o
  13. BeDifferent

    Current?? Physics...

    I know conventional current is the flow of positive charges and real current is the flow of electrons. But when a question just asks for current, is current the flow of positive charges to the negative terminal?
  14. BeDifferent


    So you have to do STAT if you want to become a pharmacist or if you want to become a vet right? By the way, what is the average score and the score required to become a vet or pharmacist.
  15. BeDifferent

    I feel stupid but here goes...maths question =)

    haha how do you find the range of a given function for example f(x)=1 / root( x^2-1) hahah sorry again, i don't know if there is a root on the keyboard
  16. BeDifferent

    HELP!!!!!(PHYSICS) Snells Law

    yeah snell's law is basically finding out the refractive index of the particular substance or the refractive index of the boundary of two substances there are different ways for find the refractive index sini/sin r= v1/v2 = n2/n1 (n refers to the refractive index) Fortify, i think you got the...