Full question: Find all complex numbers z such that Re(z^3)<0 and show the
solutions graphically in the complex plane.
It says hint: this problem is best handled in polar coordinations.
Ive made little progress in it and i have no idea what to do. HELP ME!!
thanks in advnce
Unit of Study: MATH1903 - Integral Calculus and Modelling Advanced
MATH1903 is designed to provide a thorough preparation for further study in mathematics and statistics. It is a core unit of study providing three of the twelve credit points required by the Faculty of Science as well as a...
K enrolment variations is up and running, so ive changed a few things. Ive changed from differential calculus math1001 to differential calculus math1901. It says under math1001 WITHDRAWN and under math1901 ENROLLED, is this right? does it mean that my timetable/course will have math1901 instead...
y do they have to release them eggzactly on the start of oweek. btw is asking what the probability of getting early starts pointless? Im doing eng/comm if it makes any difference