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  1. Sarinity

    foriegn policy of hatshepsut

    Also remember the difference between tributes and taxes, to the north and south, taxes were paid by Nubia etc and tributes by countries in the north bleh, i can't remember the norht and south very well but the point is, remember the difference between taxes and tributes and who they were for
  2. Sarinity

    So what really is an imaginative journey? Like seriously

    A stupidstupid topic which the english mob at the board of studies made up:D
  3. Sarinity

    sparta architecture: Amyklaion, Menelaion, the Sacntuary of Artemis Orthia

    Hi all, I have a history speech to write based on the subject heading above and there is really nothing that i can find on it, the school library has nothing, a specially ordered book has nothing and the internet has failed to aid me in this task. Friends in another class on the same topic...
  4. Sarinity

    Throwim Way Leg/THe Golden Age.

    Anyone got ANYTHING at all? information/help/anything on these texts is scarce:S
  5. Sarinity

    Throwim way leg and Golden age

    yeah i know what you mean, we are the only class doing those two texts and there is near to no extra material, and eys everyone else is doing brave new world/bladerunner =.= ummm all i have is class notes etc, nothing extravagent, im struggling to study this too, all the best:)
  6. Sarinity

    questions about project ! plz help!!

    hey idk if its too late, but with the implementation, choose one of the 4 conversion methods(pilot, direct, parallel and phased) then with the testing include stuff that will test all aspects of the system both for IT and participants
  7. Sarinity

    Nelson Bay/Toukley - 13-21december, anyone else???

    hey yeah me and friends were thinking of nelson bay althought we are hard pressed finding suitable accommodation, has anyone got an idea where we can stay and a place that takes schoolies kids? thanks!