I love writing poetry and stories it is a great way to forget about problems and let your feelings out about depression. It is a good distraction from reality, peace xox
My artwork is based on depression and how it is seen through the eyes of a sufferer. I'm having a huge black canvas with poetry written on it also a large dreamcatcher with a broken mirror in the middle of it and another canvas with a crying eye wrapped in barb wire. Also smaller canvas' with...
Havin a tad bit of trouble findin related texts for away. I've got a movie "Stand By Me" but i need another one, preferably not a movie....any ideas
peace xoxox
I'm a short story writer and the best advice i can give to u is choose something ur interested in. It can be absolutely anything but ensure that u have a protagonist who goes through a physical event that changes their life and way of thinking or it can be a group of people whatevr u want. I'd...