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  1. J

    So who else thinks we got slid a 2 unit paper?

    no its 24. same question was in past papers, and its the whole number.
  2. J

    Yr 12 2006 - What elective do you do?

    anyone from st josephs college HH that did or is doing RFTG message me or reply to this. thanks.
  3. J

    WANTED TUTORING: Retreat from the global (EE1)

    Anyone who offers tutoring on creative/critical and got a mark above 47/8 out of 50 or aims for it, or has comprehensive notes...would be greatly appreciated.....................................
  4. J

    Supplementary Material - Retreat From the Global

    does anyone offer serious RFTG tutoring? willing to pay.
  5. J

    Past HSC questions

    Hey Guys, My internet is being really slow, but does anyone have a document of the past hsc questions for germany, speer, ww1, cold war, or could you make any predictions??
  6. J

    The OFFICIAL "We Hate Bianca From Big Brother" Thread

    i jacked off over terrence..twice this morning