Statute law is made by parliaments - (the legislature - which makes laws), whereas the courts are the judiciary (enforcing the law). However, courts can make laws (common law) by precedent...this means that they interpret statute law or make decisions where there is no applicable statute law...
The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy is a postcolonial text - you can look at what she says about anglophilia and the effect of rigid social structures on the lives of individuals ("choice and circumstance")
However this might be more aligned with retreat from the global - I think all of...
n'inquietes pas! ca va... j'ai mal d'ecrire aussi, et je fais le cours de French Continuers. Je ne met pas des accents ou cedilles parce que c'est trop difficile et je ne le m'occupe pas.... J'espere que tu sais ce que je veux dire. Je ne veux pas faire mes devoirs de Legal studies a ce moment...