Maybe you could try doing some light stretches to loosen up the muscles. Try putting your arm out in front of you and slowly pulling your hand back towards you. That's what helps me when my hand gets sore from over doing it in exams.
I did section II first because i generally find it easier, then III to get the hard bit out of the way and then I which i ran out of time for halfway through (e). oh well, at least it's over now, only 2 more hours left of english ever!
I get a week to study for music and science although I'm not sure I'll actually bother studying much for music, I didn't for my trial and they turned out pretty well.
I chose to do Top Girls for my promotion. I've finished the poser, the media release and I've almost finished the flyer.
I'm still working on my program though which I'm finding difficult because I chose the New Theatre and their programs tend to be photocopied A4 paper folded in half so I'm...