I understand what your saying, but it is not the act of going to church/bible study, praying or baptism that gets you into Heaven. As an active Christian, you would feel the desire to go to these things, rather than feel the need to do these things just because its 'the right thing to do' or...
I think your missing the point I'm making. There is no "instruction to follow" with Christianity. In fact, it isn't you who chooses God, but rather God who, by grace, chooses you. It is not as simple as "ok yep, by believing in Jesus I get into Heaven, so I'm going to do that". Becoming a...
Well in terms of Christianity, all people are sinners, i.e there are no "good" people or "bad" people. Your implication of what "good" people and "bad" people are is based on what is probably your own interpretation of what is right and wrong, and not God's? There is no "way" as such into...
so how did you go with modern yesterday!?? I thought the paper was pretty good, feel confident about it :) Congrats on finishing today too! How was physics? I've just got eco to go tomorrow! Cant wait till 12.31pm!!!!!
if i was a boy that would be my perfect degree! espec. with the architecture! Hmmm i really hope the Germany question will be either one on weimar (nationalism, depression, success/failure, social/eco/political probs) and something on foreign policy for Nazis or social/cultural change...MAYBE...
And once again if it is an "access" or "to what extent" question....then yes you should mention the other components of hte dot points...this is pretty much a guarantee for the "Growth of European Tensions" dot point in particular
For foreign policy they're going to ask what impact IDEOLOGY had on it....so instead of structuring your essay by just listing all the FP examples....structure it according to the aspects of ideology: i.e. Lebensraum, Grossdeutchland, Herrenvolk/Aryan/Untermenschen, Revising ToV...
lol i accidently sent the msg to myself:
well if there is a LoN/Collective secuirty question, I wouldnt say i'd concentrate on nazi FP, because you have to look at the dot points: abyssnia and the spanish civil war.....Germany was not a member of the LoN at this stage ( i think -...
well if there is a LoN/Collective secuirty question, I wouldnt say i'd concentrate on nazi FP, because you have to look at the dot points: abyssnia and the spanish civil war.....Germany was not a member of the LoN at this stage ( i think - clarification?), and so you wouldnt be looking at nazi...
Well last year there was one question: assess the significance of the nazi-soviet non-agression pact to the outbreak of war......and for this you would concentrate very highly on the pact...and chuck in a couple of references to the other 3 dot points in this section. So if it were the policy of...
meh it was a long question...but not really a question. Ummm you know how personality section is split into two parts? Well i asked sir whether we should use historiography for the first section...the biography part of her life. Because when writing about her films, relationship with hitler etc...
meh that sounds alright....i sent an email to sir yesterday asking a question about leni, but he hasn't replied yet! C'mon where is his dedication to his fav student! haha kidding.....not really. But seriously i need that question answered!
at this stage, I think memorisisng the syllabus is what you should be focusing on. Completely clear your desk. Start with topic one and, looking at the syllabus for it, write it out (just the dot points). Next, turn the syllabus over, and see if you can write it out w/o looking. Continue doing...
imo conflict in euro will be a turning point question, and one about 'end of the conflict' dot point. Germany i'd say will be about changes in society, role of the army, MAYBE succes/failure of weimar/democracy......possibly even terror/repression + SA/SS OR racial policies.....theres a wide...
yeah that one is pretty much just about the historical interpretations of her life. So the question is asking: is she portrayed both bad and good (i.e. balanced), or is she portrayed as overly bad, or overly good. When i answered that q, i basically said history presents us with a highly...
it says write a brief bibliography, which means a lot of detail isnt necessary. And to 1945 is pretty easy. It means you dont write anything about her post-45 life. So pretty much ends in her denazification.
school marks dont actually mean sh!t....its only the rank you want....because even if you think your internal/not-yet-moderated mark is say 90...and you only get a 75 in the exam....its gunna get moderated down...pfff you lost yourself your own band 6 in modern!.......dont be jealous of my...