ok cheers man
so just to clarify, basically in my first year ido:
18 units of maths
12 units of gen ed (cant be science based)
18 units of anything
is that right?
also i read somewhere that their is general education subjects i have to do (not sure where the list is), but is that sorta similar to the electives, where i just select general education subjects that i also am interested in ?
I am currently thinking about transfering to the B Science (maths major) and just wanted to know about first year subjects.
With the course i am doing now their are a number of 'core' subjects everyone must complete before deciding what to major in... Is this the same with the science degree...
ok thanks man
also, does anyone happen to know if this is different if i only complete one semester at UWS. I read in one of the stickied threads that if you don't complete a ful years study at a university, they only decide your rank from your uai (this was in 2004). Is this still the case ?
I am currently thinking about transfering from UWS to UNSW and just need some clarification on how they determine your 'rank'
At the moment i am doing a B. Business and Commerce at UWS and not exactly enjoying it. I plan on holding out the rest of this year, but thinking of transfering to a B...