i dun really wear make-up and i cannot see why people would waste like millions and millions of dollars just to buy some make-up to make them all pretty. I rather be all natural then having products on my face Tbh.
i have just recently start searching for my year 12 formal dress and couldn't really find any that i like or suits my taste/personality. i've been to Macquaire and Parramatta Westifield but i really can't find anything. i am thinking of a cocktail dresses cause long dresses is harder to find and...
Our school doesn't really says we cannot bring someone from another school but i'll bet most of the student in my year would bring a bunch of people that use to go to our school(year 10 leavers) or they are freinds with.. plus after party too. :P Horray. I'm just gonna bring my teddybear to my...
we had our year 10 formal at waters edge under the bridge(i think) sort of. >.<
and this year our year 12 formal is on november 19th. (gotta check the dates)
is everyone got everything they need?
i am not too sure about the weight of my school bag but it sure does gets heavy with my Hospitality Uniform. Now i wish i have gotten a laptop so much easier.
i like really random anime haha but the all times favourite one is CCS then bleach but i don't watch it anymore can not be bother following up cause i already lost which episode and manga chapter i am up to.
i want to change my nickname on the back of the Jersey but it is already too late :(
we organise the Jerseys at like term 3 last year(Last term of year 11)and got ours at Term 4(beginning of year 12) but the principle and year advisor says we are only allow to wear it on a Tuesday but ever since...
Lol, we had our Photos and Muck up photos done in Feb it was a totally random..i regret not buying a 'proper' costume cause i left it to the last minute but it is really hard to think of what you want to dress up as haha took me so so long and still don't know (haha). nearly half of the students...
I have already finished my workplacement for this year and it was a total crap one too but it wasn't worse like my last year at Darling Harbour where people just gives you job and never really communicate with you.. they are so so cold but it was a really good place to work with too. It has a...
Not really, i already have interest in this particular suject which i have start doing Food Technology in year 9 and 10 then chose Hospitality in Year 11 and 12.
It really depends not everyone is the same but right now we are learning about cleaning products and so. (how boring)
i'm already starting to look for my formal dress and couldn't find anything cause i'm small and thin so most of the dresses i couldn't wear. Still remember my year 10 formal disaster and my friend's Kirsten's party when i was wearing this strapless...