Best japanese food in Camperdown?
Hey guys - random question, but who can recommend a good (cheap) ramen/sushi joint around campus? I've been travelling to Circular Quay to a place near where I used to work... but that is obviously a long, long way for ramen.
Is that Masaka place on Parra Road...
That's excellent!! I'll run into town to get some done tomorrow - hah but i'm not sure they'll be spiffy enough to post on here, tho :p
Thank you *so* much for your help!
Hey guys - I've got a few questions about the photos the colleges ask us to include in our applications!
Basically, they all ask for between 2-4 "passport-sized photographs."
1. should they be "passport" photos - i.e. the ones you get at the photo shop, in the booth, for a passport? Or should...
As someone mentioned quite early on in the thread, I don't think anybody here is seriously stating that religion in wrong. Personally, I don't believe we can ever know anything for sure, we can only make assumptions and educated guesses based on the evidence we're presented with. Taking into...
Hey all!
I've just finished my first year (I started mid-year 2008) and I'm doing a Bachelor of Arts, Psychology Key Programme.
I want to sub-major in History, Politics and Philosophy, but when I go to MySR and choose it as a sub, it tells me it's a breach of the unit rules.
As I...
Hi all
I'm starting next week at UWS Penrith (wooo) doing a BA with Psych as my key. I wanted to do Linguistics as an elective, but apparently only Bankstown offers it.
Now, I've got a friend doing a BA in English Text and Writing, and part of his course is Linguistics. He studies at...