my school has like 13 people in the class there was like "invitations" for the class though so only a few people were actually allowed to
i wish i had less people you can commicate with them more and i reckon itd help with the major work
if you like history and are a good writer, easy as anything
its my favourite subject
its really easy to get good marks in if you put the effort in unlike other subjects cough*maths*cough where you can put in alot of effort and still do terribly.
very interesting especially if you got a...
maths is definately the one to be scrapped i reckon
it does alot of time and CONSISTENT effort and study to make sure you know what your doing
chemistry is difficult but at least it has clear dot points which make it easier to study for
ultimately choose which ever you're motivated in...
they cant kick you out
if they do
complain to the board they have to keep you unless your not doing the coursework requirements or fail to hand in things
do whatever you like
if you like religion do it
either of them you can build your skills and do really well
however if you like and are more interested in religion it'll be easier
uni's dont care about what your subjects are and if you need physics that bad there are bridging courses
Re: Fairfield Troung's recommendation - English
ms diab is a good teacher but useless at sefton cos all she does is talk to the students about social tihngs rather than actually teach.
hey i got a couple of questions
1. How many cadetships are given out?
As a cadet:
2. What kind work exprience,volunteer work and extra-circular activites did you do?
3. How do you find being a cadet with a full time job and doing uni as well?
All in asian accent
"Micheal, your maths is so yuck!"
"you make so many silly mistakes, call the ambulance"
Reads out no touching notice:
"shush, talking is a form of touching"
funniest teacher ever heaps more i forget em'
heyy im year 11
just wondering if any cadets would be willing to share what kind of UAI they got and/or extra circular activities they particpated in?
thanks in advance