I'll pull an all-nighter by default; I won't be able to sleep.
Plus anyway, we just graduated, I happily waste away the blue hours of the morning watching television already. I think I'm official classed as nocturnal these days.
Not looking forward to finding out how horribly I did lol :(
Don't get too worried about it, as long as you hit all the points, even if you're still a bit unsure of your idea then you should do fine.
I know I was really nervous about mine because it was 20% of my final assessment mark :S
oOOoo I am doing Yeats in Module...C or X or something a rather, but he's brilliant, I did a Uni lecture on his poem this holidays and now I psyched.
Related material eh? I've got a few for belonging just from doing a folio of text assignment but I haven't put very much serious thinkage into...
I've read Fforde. He's great. You should try Robert Rankin also, particularly 'The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse.' It's brilliant, my favourite PostM Absurdist novel.
Hey I'm Izzy. Doing Ext Two and loving it. I decided on Short Stories..
We've done the proposal and my teacher emailed our results over Christmas. I got 9/10 so I'm pretty happy, can't have asked for anything better on a proposal :D..not with my teacher anyway.
I've written up bits and pieces...
Oh Hamlet! that would be fun, we're doing on of the Richard's.
Romulus, My Father - I've never studied but I bet it's a good Ancient History crossover? I know we did the Odyssey in Extension English in year 11 at that one was handy.
Haha I read 'The Curious Incident of The Dog In The Night-time' for fun at 15, I wish we could study it as a text, I love it.
Wondering though, if anyone else is studying The Namesake as their prose fiction text for belonging in Advanced?