No it's not you feted prat, these were serious, important reforms that significantly impacted upon peoples standards of living and financial security. Carry on about your trendy fad as much as you like but don't go around passing off serious reforms lip service.
I beg your pardon? The Rudd government removed more than 80 pieces of legislation discriminating against same sex Australians. In 2007 Same Sex couples were economically discriminated against on a practical, tangible level. The Rudd Labor government gave same sex couples the right to inherit...
Re: 2016 Federal Election
I said nothing about Labor needing to lurch, I said they need to scale back their association with the trade union movement. If anything the ACTU often find themselves dragging Labor to the right with their socially conservative membership and their opposition to...
Re: 2016 Federal Election
If you're going to say silly things then knock yourself out but don't imply that I've said them by prefacing your silliness with "I agree."
Re: 2016 Federal Election
I think it'd no doubt be beneficial for the unions to reform the kind of bully boy culture for which they've rightly or wrongly acquired a reputation and I want to see an influential union movement in Australia but it will drag down the left of centre vote if the major...
Re: 2016 Federal Election
Labor can win and can with big if they kick their crippling association with the unions and the labour movement and become a modern social democratic party. The role of the unions in 21st century Australia is not significant for the Labor party to win government while...
Normally in these sort of things there's a lot of room for nuance but really, in this case it was entirely Gillard and Swan's fault. They tore down an able politician, blundered around like student politicians when they were in charge then scorched the earth behind them when Rudd attempted a...
You forgot Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce.
Speaking of her, why does there appear to be a a campaign to make her leader? Surely they can see how that would be destined to end in very Brendan like circumstances?
1) Green
2) Clive
3) Future Party
4) Labor
5) Family First
6) Liberal
7) Democrats
8) Bobkat
9) Christian Democrats
Largest consideration was asylum seekers and immigration.
Perhaps, but they are sillier still if they think media bias is some magic wand that could be waved and just like that a struggling political party will bounce back into contention.
I voted for the independents in last years local elections, O'farrell in 2011 and Green in 2010. Such a labor hack. I can honestly say I've never voted Labor in my life.
I still don't agree with the policy, I'd much prefer something akin to what Palmer's promising but if it's a choice between indefinite detention in Nauru or resettlement in PNG I much prefer resettlement.