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  1. N

    Ped Egg?

    You're sitting down, watching TV after a seriously tiring study session, and an infomercial comes up, advertising the Ped Egg. Looks cute, seems to work well, but would you buy it? LIke $80 or something. You can get it from Target for $30. Rip off. I personally have really gross feet, and...
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    Haha. No, I do not wish to cause her any harm.
  3. N


    I don't think she knows, to be honest. I guess that this is one of those moments where I need to trust you guys and leave it be?
  4. N


    Ok, I'll be the first to admit that I procrastinate a lot, but who actually procrastinates by completing other school studies? Or is that just me?
  5. N

    What do you do in your free periods?

    I guess I actually do work. I'm a bit of a nerd at the best of times. But today I have a massive hangover so am just sleeping during my "study periods". Some of the more entertaining things we here have been known to do is "invisible chips poker", any sort of card game, play the guitar which is...
  6. N


    She doesn't know I am bi. She is straight (Gets more and more complicated at the thread progresses). I TRY to flirt with her. Haha. Something that just NEVER works, I guess. I think she is in the room right now. I'll try that. Thanks... I SMELL KFC AND THE NEAREST KFC IS ABOUT AN HOUR...
  7. N

    red p's and loosing ur licence

    Well, it is kinda hard to stick to the speed limit when you recieve notification that your father just fell through a roof and is being rushed to hospital with serious head injuries.... So sue me.
  8. N

    red p's and loosing ur licence

    I would take mine to court, but my speeding offence was tooooooooooo high. I'm talking 49 km over the speed limit. SO! I'm just sticking mine out. 6 months.
  9. N


    No, Beckom doesn't have a high school, only a small primary school. I travel to school. Yeah, I guess you could say that we are close. I only started at this school at the beginning of the year, and she's in my close group of friends.
  10. N

    Depression and the HSC - how do you cope?

    Depression is bad enough, but during the HSC is just plain torture. Have someone to talk to, thats a good start. Know that you can get special provisions during the trials and the HSC, thats a great help, too. If you're unlucky and have anxiety, or both depression and anxiety, I know where you...
  11. N


    Ok, here's the deal. I am bi (hate to be so in-your-face), but there's this girl that I currently like, and she has no idea. Should I tell her that I like her? 3 of my friends know that I like her, and they haven't really said anything on it. Yeah, thats about it. Should I or should I not tell...
  12. N

    Gay people should not be allowed to access IVF

    This is total bull. If two people are in love, it shouldn't matter if they want a child or not. One of the main factors to raising a child is to raise it in a loving environment. There's no fine print that says "To parents of opposite sex". If infertile straight couples can seek this sort of...
  13. N

    Favourite Genre

    Jazz. And Jazz/Funk fusion.
  14. N

    Lack of Motivation?

    Uhh... Only one in all of my classes at the school... So boredom?
  15. N

    Songs you CANNOT stop listening to

    You Are Loved - Josh Groban Everything - Michael Bublé Fake it - Seether Actually... All Michael Bublé songs... Oh, and of corse... My Deb songs... Everytime - Britney Spears (Walked out to) Time Of Your Life - Dirrrrty Dancing (Pride of Erin/waltz) Everything I do (I do it for you) -...
  16. N

    Year 12 Common rooms

    Ellison... I KNOW YOUR REAL NAME :) Good to know what your study room is like, and to know why you get NO work done... Also good to know, cos, yeah, I'm going to your school next year... Baha. Ours is like... A room with 6 desks, a white board... Adjoining to a room with a table and 2...
  17. N

    What do you feel when you drop a subject?

    Dropping Maths Ext. Best feeling ever. Struggled so much.:spin:
  18. N

    Doing all Three Science?

    Ha ha. Even though we do distance ed And links (Like webcam, but faster... And better) We watched the magic school bus in Biology...
  19. N

    Doing all Three Science?

    I'm in year 11. I'm doing all 3 sciences. My subject line up looks something like Chem Bio Physics Adv Eng Ext 1 Maths HSC Music. I live in the sticks, so I do everything my distance ed (Or the access system. Same dif.), and it's really hard. My chem teacher expects about 45 hours A...