Sections 1 and 3 were pretty easy. Poetry was a little harder, but still completely doable.
Of course I'd have to go with 'hate', simply because english as a whole is a silly course. I don't know how they saw journey as a concept, and I definitely don't know how they justify making it an area...
How can they mistake method overloading for polymorphism? I'm glad I dropped the subject.
I was doing SDD by correspondence last year, and our class was using VB. I dropped out, because I have dignity. (Oh, and the teacher was annoying)
A great resource authored by Josh Bloch aimed at...
There are 2 girls doing IPT at my school (we only have the one class, and there's only 9 students).
One of them is coming second; I don't know where the other one is placed.
It's strange how very few females take part in IPT at co-educational schools (by comparison to all-girl schools), yet...
I found the test quite reasonable. Many of the questions (for me) were the sort that I could easily answer and offer about a dozen examples to elaborate and get my point across.
Hopefully I'll get 80 or higher; I usually get around 85 - 90 in IPT tasks.
I also found the questions in today's paper considerably harder than questions in previous papers (I can't really comment on the difficulty using any other comparison because I'm not very good at the subject :rofl:).
I think it boils down to the pressure though; practicing for an examination at...