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  1. C

    Rank or scaling?

    if u feel that way u should return to ur old school its not in ur best interests. for me since changing schools to a more chalenging academic school from manly high. things havent't worked out. ive had to go to counselling and what not. i recommend u change schools and quickly adjust. trust me...
  2. C

    Rudd's Education Reform: Laptops to 9-12 Seconday Students

    europe and the us implemented this type of reform and it failed. If it is proven that this"interactive learning environment"sucks then y is rudd going through with this. essentially the hsc exams are hand written and i personally believe wrote learning is far superior than using technology as a...
  3. C

    Mathematical Induction Inequalities Question

    thanks guys i just found out from my sis it is a standard form of simplifying expressions
  4. C

    Mathematical Induction Inequalities Question

    why does a new line need to be taken i dont get it
  5. C

    Mathematical Induction Inequalities Question

    so for the working out to be technically right, it shoudld be written along one line only rather thasn two
  6. C

    Mathematical Induction Inequalities Question

    The terms of a sequence are given by T1=1 and Tn = square root (2 + Tn-1) n =2,3,4 Us the method of mathematical induction to show that Tn< 2 for n> and equal to 1 Why is it in the working out the inequality and equality signs alternate in bold Prove true for n = 1 1<2 therefore true for n = 1...
  7. C

    what type of questions do u apply dy/dx * dx/dy =1 in Log and Exponential Functions.

    Re: what type of questions do u apply dy/dx * dx/dy =1 in Log and Exponential Functio thanks trebla would u know any set of exercises from a 3u textbook or 2u where this technique needs to be employed
  8. C

    what type of questions do u apply dy/dx * dx/dy =1 in Log and Exponential Functions.

    what type of questions do u apply dy/dx * dx/dy =1 in Log and Exponential Functions.
  9. C

    Gravitational Potential Energy Question

    Satellite X has its orbit around Earth changed from an alititude of 10 000km to an altitude of 20 000km. Satellite Y has its orbit around Earth changed from an alititude id 20 000km to an alititude of 30 000km. Both satellites have a mass of 500kg. (a) Predict the amount of work done on X...
  10. C

    Which Selective SChool is best at sport?

    Generally, Selective schools get pawned in sport in their district. So wouldn't it be a great idea to form a new dsitrict which consists of fully selective schools in Sydney. If all the selective schools were to compete against one another in every sport, i think manly would own
  11. C

    Things to do during holidays between end of Year 11 and start of Year 12

    Im going to Sydney fc vs Adelaide united at SFS tomorrow. Go a-league
  12. C

    Things to do during holidays between end of Year 11 and start of Year 12

    Things to do during holidays between end of Year 11 and start of Year 12 Suggestions???