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  1. emille-bot

    2009 Macquarie Uni Offers / General Chatter

    Oh man. I miss study already. It's gonna be a longg year.
  2. emille-bot

    2009 Macquarie Uni Offers / General Chatter

    Re: 2009 Macquarie Uni Offers Oh goody!
  3. emille-bot

    2009 Macquarie Uni Offers / General Chatter

    Re: 2009 Macquarie Uni Offers Bachelor of Artss. Going to major in Contemporary Music. Need to deferrrrrrrr though. I guess I might see some of you in 2010.
  4. emille-bot

    Anyone keen for Macquarie?

    Bachelor of Arts. My UAI was a little above the cut-off without bonus points so hopefully I'll get an offer.
  5. emille-bot

    Results countdown

    Man. I feel sick. Is it too late to apply for TAFE? :/
  6. emille-bot

    Did you agree or disagree with source 1?

    Pretty much agrizzled.
  7. emille-bot

    What will your UAC preferences be??

    1. Arts/Macquarie. 2. Arts/Newcastle 3. Arts/CSU or wherever I get in.
  8. emille-bot

    What do you want to be when you grow up? Plans for after the HSC?

    Re: the big question WHAT UNI DO YOU WANT TO GO TO AND WHY! Macquarie.
  9. emille-bot

    Hsc Visual Arts Major Work- Animation

    Man. That was amazing. My major work is so flimsy in comparison. Awesome.
  10. emille-bot

    Music 1 - Performance 'thoughts'

    I thought it was alreeeet. My examiners were an older man and an older lady. They didn't talk much but they smiled a bit and the man was even tapping his foot at one stage, so I guess thats a good sign. Pretty hard to say though,
  11. emille-bot

    kill the hsc

    Oh man. Like 4.
  12. emille-bot

    General Thoughts: Modern History 2008 HSC Exam

    Re: Howd you find it? I thought it was pretty good, though I ran out of time and rushed core. So that was a bit shoddy,
  13. emille-bot

    Personality question

  14. emille-bot

    UAI wasn't high enough?

    Become a gypsy.
  15. emille-bot

    Modern History is nearing.

    Nazi Germany Speer Conflict in Europe. I hope there is a causes question. Please. I don't know anything else, :bomb:
  16. emille-bot

    anyone else eating huge amounts of chocolate/lollies to get through the study days?

    I just ate an entire packet of those 'Fantastic' Rice crackers Boy they are good.