haha one of my friends asked me tha other day wot size condoms she shood buy for her bf as shes a virgin and has never seen his dick....i promised i wood ask! lol
for f$^*s sakes get a life! u guys annoy tha shit outa me! go out during the holz and live it up im in yr 12 next year and im not gunna study at all in the holidays! i hav a life u shood to u NERDS
well 2 down 5 to go!! chemistry and 2unit mathematics on wednesday then english paper 2 thursday and bloody bio and modern history on friday! tha last day of skool for f***s sake!
im doing modern atm and i luv it! im coming first and all u really need to do is know how to write well and remember dates and facts= success!
few friends of mine do both and are struggling a bit but if u can write well go for it!
im not a virgin anymore and i think a good majority of teenagers who have lost ther virginity young regret it coz it meant nothing and its something u cant ever get back.....they just dont want to admit it
peer pressure= losing ur ownself
it takes a stronger person to stand up for their...
Yr11 prelim subjects:
-Adv. English = 1/28
-Modern History= 1/12
-Mathematics (2unit)= 10/18
-Biology= 1/22
-Chemistry= 5/12
UAI aim= 85+
don't really think i'll cope with chem nxt year so was thinking of dropping but then i'll only have 10 units....so i have to decide! the...