Some People Ask Show Me God, Here's something
Look at the sun, If You Cant Bare to look at the creation, how can u bare to look at the creater. do you agree?
simply put if you do not believe in god then you would consider morals to be relative. all people who do not belive in a god would have to belive that morals are relative as a persons knowlegde on whats right and wrong can only come from the result of other things ie enviroment, family, schools...
Re: doctrine analysis: which religion is more batshit loony?Islam, Christianity, Juda
the quran does not say that killing non muslims is ok rather is says if you kill one onnocent person iy is as if you have killed all of humanity
Re: doctrine analysis: which religion is more batshit loony?Islam, Christianity, Juda
you read somwhere what kind of stupid reaon is that to judge a religion. i read somwhere that democracy is a load of crap and comunism is great therefore i like comunism not!
Im sympathetic for that, and i will admit i am guilty of doing so aswell, but my parents (Christians) grew up in Iraq and in school they were forced to learn about Mohamed and the Islamic faith, even though it was the LAST thing they wanted. My point is, such pressure is exhibited in all faiths...
Re: Israel & Palestine
does anyone actually believe that israel has a right to existence. when i say israel i mean the state israel, not izreali people or jewis people. how could someone legitimise the israeli state when it is so cleary has no right to exist. israel is on stolen land...
believers in god are constantly asked to prove the existence of god. However can the athiest prove that the world did not come into existence by intelligent design but rather through accidental happenings. the question of prove must be asked both ways. also the big bang or evolution can not be...