im currently getting raped in the face trying to do engineering at unsw..if i fail im outta there.
would i be able to transfer to mq uni first semester next year based on my atar from 2009?
im gonna try to throw a party/get someone to throw one at midnight, then party all the way through till when we look at the marks, we are either wasted or too tired to care.
its possible...even to make them better. you just gotta peak at the right time. allot of people switch on when they just chilled in year 11, you just gotta stay with them. all my ranks got better except for english, so it can be done!
its because they run american politics and have a close tie with america through israel. israel is americas little eye in the middle east to control surrounding muslim nations. big banks in america, corporations, holllywood...all fueling the american by jews. its not a conspiracy.
the problem lies within american politics
half the senators are jewish, and the jewish influence in the united states is insane. even all through hollywood, big corporations like halliburton, rothschild bank (conveniently owns 80% of the land in israel)
israel is americas eye in the middle...
im pretty sure peoples ranks are changing because they were an equal position with someone. your school (well my school) doesnt like sending in equal ranks because of them averaging out your hsc mark or some they change it by a decimal point so ppl arent equal....thats why the ranks...
its all blind faith, no-one knows anything. just cos its in a book doesnt mean its true. people have just hammered the same shit into each others brains for centuries and its become the accepted "truth"
Fest only thought Speer was an apolotical technocrat when the office chronicle wasnt presented to him. i watched "the devils architect" about speer and hitler and Fest said "he hoodwinked us all"- meaning he didnt think Speer was apolotical.
but i think your overall argument is still pretty sweet