You'd be marked on mainly technique and structure. It just needs fixing up in places, a few more adjustments. Don't make the protagonist tell the story, YOU should be telling the story and create the environment/atmosphere. Everything he says are supposedly his thoughts. Thats what I meant by...
It's true, a lot of the people who don't do society and culture automatically make assumptions about the subject being easy or what not. Although, that's really the situation with every subject. 2U Math isn't just formulas, it's a whole lot more.
My society teacher told the class to be in S&C...
It sounds like an over-extended soliliquy. When I read just a few sentences of each paragraph it seems to drag on about the protagonist's thoughts. It should be "creative" rather than "descriptive".
I know it is good to use imagery sometimes but you seem to have used too many adjectives...