Being from Mary White myself, I would of course say that Mary White is the absolute best of the colleges. It's the closest to classes, I have no idea how people from the other colleges manage to get up that hill every morning especially if they have a nine am class.
Plus we have a 6 million...
Wow I couldn't do that LOL, though half of my things are made up a mini fridge and a 21.5" iMac, without them there certainly would be much less.
I leave in an hour or so to drive up, will be there around two, hopefully.
I don't know how I could survive on a small bag, I have too many bits and pieces I can't live without, yes I'm a clutterbug.
So far the only info I've been sent for tomorrow is that arrival at Mary White is anytime after ten. I'm assuming we go to the office to find our room allocation. I'm...
So who's heading up tomorrow? I just finished stuffing all my crap in the car, wow do I have a lot. Though the car is also incredibly small, it's a mazda two, I was quite impressed I managed to fit most in the back seat. It's a five hour drive up tomorrow, should be fun....
I'm doing a double degree also (law/criminology) and after seeing the size of my textbooks and the unit outline, I'm a bit doubtful there'll be much time to socialise let alone pick up another unit or similar.
Definitely wait for a semester before deciding to add more to the workload.
Just got an email from Mary White announcing that we'll have a 1960's themed O-week beginning with Woodstock, Ummm yes, sounds... fun?
What themes do you guys have for your colleges?
I just booked an electrician for this (am staying at Mary White) It's gonna cost at least $100, tis scary pricing. From all I've heard though it is essential you have it done, if you don't have it done and an electrical appliance causes a fire or sets off the fire alarm, your liable for all the...
Yeah I have classes five days a week to, not bad layout though I have it organised so I only have one 9:00 am class, and that's on Friday (so I can drive the five hours to home then if I want to). The rest of the time it's mainly late morning afternoon classes, with 1-3 hours each day, with...
They certainly look very useful, But I think I'll reserve judgment till some people actually try them out who aren't paid by apple.... (not dissing apple, I have an iMac and would never go back, just not sure how well an iPad would work)
Whats with the name anyway? people are going to be...
You have to go through to march in the calendar to see Practicals, tutes turn up late February.
From the little info given out, it seems you sign up for tutes during your first lectures... They'll either hand sheets around or post a sheet up on a noticeboard. Well that's what AskUne says and...
They may have multiple lectures? My impression was though that if there's a clash you take one at a later date... Doesn't LS101 run in second semester as well? or maybe I'm mixing it up with LS100 will check... no I take LS160 in semester two, sorry that wasn't much help.
The reason I can...
I got my letter and accommodation offer today so I'm now enrolled in LS100, ARPA104, SOCY100 and PYSC101 and will be living at Mary White. YAY! I am so relieved LOL. I still don't have a TFN but when I enrolled it just said I need to supply it by 31/3 and it should be here in a week or so, so...
Sadiah how did you enrol? no I'm not doing distance ed I'll be studying on campus. Everything I've read though says you need to wait for the letter, all I've gotten was the UAC letter, that lets you accept your offer via mail. Have to say this enrolling thing is stressing me out, I live very...
I've accepted my offer for the University of New England, nothing more I can do till I get all the info in the mail as you need your student number for the rest, it's the enrolling bit I'm not sure about... Just hoping the TFN arrives soon, you never know I might be lucky.
Five years full time, the outlines here if you're interested-
Course Import - UNE - Course and Unit Catalogue 2010
Not sure what I'll do with it when I finish, but I have five years to work it out LOL.