I'm using the film The Longest Yard starring Adam Sandler and the song Lyrics of Institutionalized by Sensesfail..not my type of music but good lyrics about a mental institution.
Techniques include social realism and symbolism. Other techniques that can be used as langauge techniques are the interview technigue and humour. You'll notice bridie and sheila laughing throughout their stories even though they were in such a horrible situation e.g. Lipstick Larry's Loincloth...
The themes i used in an essay that i got 19/20 for were:
and loyalty
These themes were backed up with the following techniques:
The interview technique
symbolism ( the shoe-horn being the most obvious)
and social realism
Jardi Tancat by Nacho Duato is a dance work communicating the struggles of peasant life...reflecting the catalan culture of spain. The dancer's are peasant farmers,tortured by drought. Motifs to express this include praying movements and ploughing movements. A translation of one of the songs...
My questions were about co-ordination for the core performance...organising the dance as well for my composition and kinesthetic awareness in relation to performance quality for major....i dreaded getting one about kinesthetic awareness!