Thread. TL;DR but my advice here is be confident. Just strike up a natural conversation with them, it can be about anything. Compliment her on something, ask her where she got those that shirt/skirt/dress/shoes whatever, just make up some small talk. Then you find a common ground and stick to...
Generally lecturers don't care, but it would be nice to notify them before hand so they won't look at you and wonder what's going on? Thus disrupting the lecture. And if your leaving in a group, definitely let him know.
So first off. Keep in mind that there are 3 speeding offences that have occured (all camera, -10kms over), all within 3 months of each other between August-June 2010. I got a suspension in October 6th 2010 and just got my license back earlier this month.
I just got another letter a week ago...
Hi guys, I'm not sure whether to continue studying at TAFE or find a traineeship for a lesser qualification at the same time.
I've been looking on jobsearch websites and I have found a couple of traineeships available, and will be sending in my application/CV in sometime soon. I'm just not sure...
Do you know where I can find a copy of the form? If not I'm going into school on Monday to discuss with Principle anyway. I'm just kinda edgy, would like to know the info before I go in.
I have an Engineering exam on Wednesday along with a funeral to go to of a deceased step-aunt. Question is should I do the exam or appeal for misadventure and go to the funeral?
She passed away Wednesday night and I haven't been able to do any study due to the grace period and some sort of...
First of, introduction. My name is Daniel. In my preliminary course I did (Standard English, General Mathematics, Physics, Engineering Studies, Ancient History, Metal and Engineering).
I recently just dropped Physics because I did not want my marks to effect those who actually took it...