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  1. Liquid Buzz

    Share your 2009 ATAR here

    It's awesome, yet all I needed was a 78. XD
  2. Liquid Buzz

    Share your 2009 ATAR here

    SAM : 94.70 ATAR: 94.65 I still can't beleive I actually got into the 90's.
  3. Liquid Buzz

    PIP Day (06/03/09)

    I went. I've heard most of what they said before, but it was still interesting. I found the last speaker most relevant to where I'm up to on my PIP.
  4. Liquid Buzz

    P&P and Letters To Alice

    I found Letters to Alice was helpful in understanding P&P better. I think it will still take me some time to develop of a full appreciation of P&P though.
  5. Liquid Buzz

    P&P and Letters To Alice

    Yeah, I'm doing Pride & Prejudice and Letters to Alice as well.
  6. Liquid Buzz

    What are you currently Reading?

    I'm reading Pride and Prejudice for English. So far I'm finding it rather boring, probably due to lack of understanding about whats actually going on.
  7. Liquid Buzz

    What is everyone doing in the holidays?

    I'll be writing up notes for all my classes, working on my PIP and doing my best to not forget everything I have learned this term. Going to be some fun holidays.
  8. Liquid Buzz

    pip ideas

    I'm focusing on attitudes towards multiculturalism. I'm sure its overdone but it's something I'm interested in and can hopefully pull off well.
  9. Liquid Buzz

    Do you write notes? (poll included)

    I make study notes for all my classes except maths. I don't really like using other peoples notes, they don't make as much sense to me as my own.