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  1. S

    Kidman upsets Aborigines

    I agree with what most people have said concerning this topic - there are heaps of other pressing issues including the Australian Indigenous community, I don't know why the media (and the individuals) decide to make such a big deal about an ex-pat playing an instrument (which was probably...
  2. S

    Proposed ban on toplessness at beaches

    For the sake of potential Biggest Loser contestants you'd hope not...haha:skip:
  3. S

    Proposed ban on toplessness at beaches

    But breastfeeding is a natural part of life - how could anyone in their right mind want to ban it?! Again, in the vein of this argument about topless tanning - breastfeeding mothers aren't trying to deliberately flash boob when they're breastfeeding, so if you see it, LOOK AWAY. It's not as if...
  4. S

    Proposed ban on toplessness at beaches

    I think it's just this proposition is a tad OTT from the conservatives - personally I believe that most people who sunbathe topless do not make an effort to flash boob - in fact, they're quite conservative. Sure, you might not see a bikini strap - big deal! You're not seeing any boob, so I don't...