It's never over when I'm involved.
There are three things that everybody should know. The first, is never get into a land war with asia, the second is never go up against a sicilian when DEATH is on the line, and the third is never get into an argument with Raeden, unless you wish to still be...
People, in general, are stupid, regardless of their sex.
And, I don't see you putting forth any evidence (I accept the HCS scores, but the very face that 7 girls DID get a hsc of 100, seems to provide evidence that there are intelligent girls in the world, even if there were less 100's than...
Saying that makes you sound stupid.
If you honestly think that sex defines somebodies intellect, then you, yourself, must be deficient in brain cells.
Let me type concisely for you so you can understand.
1. I am a girl.
2. I got an OP1.
3. Three other females recieved OP1s in our school...
Yes, I was just responding to what one individual said. They commented that the reason as to why most "hot girls" are dumb is because females in general are stupid. I quoted the post in my first argument, however people were arguing against my argument (by calling me stupid), and as such, I...
Fine, I have circumstantial evidence.
The thing is, you can't just go around being stuck up, saying that as a whole, females are stupid. Because it is not true. There is no separation in intelligence like there is in strength.
I admit, males are stronger than females. But, they are not as a...
I find this highly insulting. I have evidence to prove that females are at least as smart as males.
We had four OP 1's at my school this year, and all four were females. There was only one male in the top 10% of our cohort.
The only reason you see more males working in the intelligent...
Yeah, it'll be something like this:
Smith J, 237612;
And then they'll be a list of all of the university courses, by number.
Grffith University Nathan Campus:
237612: Bacheleor of Engineering (Advanced with Honours)
Bacheleor of Engineering (Electronics and Computer systems).... which I needed an OP 14 to get into.
My OP1 did get me a scholarship however. So, working incredibly hard for the past 2 years wasn't a waste :P
So yeah, got accepted into the honours college, and was offered a scholarship (this is old news).
Wondering if anybody else is going to be in the honours college at Nathan next year? I need to make friends before I go :P
Or yeah anybody going to Nathan campus at all? It's way cooler than the...
Griffith Nathan Campus 2009!!
(Even though offers don't come out until Jan 15.... I'm quite confident in my OP 1... and the fact I already have a scholarship.)