ok, here goes. i got a early round offer at UNE. (thank you principals rec, thank you) which i accepted as of the two courses i really wanted to do, it was one. now in the main round offer i have gotten the second cource that i wanted which is also at UNE and has the same requirements. So, if i...
please. i do have some taste. i wouldn't even be seen in the middle of a large crowd three hundred meters away from the shooting of a completely unrelated story about water restrictions that was going to be aired on one of those shows.
i could never live with the same
well actually I am one of the people who was offered this during my exams because of my handwriting. they actually tried to get me a laptop but it was to neat... anyway I took it up for chem, physics and art I declined it for music (to much trouble playing 2 different tapes) and for some reason...
well yes the cost of envelopes these days are just plain ridiculous but still, you might be right... actually i was inplying that our names are not so similar as to be next to hers in the role. sorry i havent seen her since and i dont have her permission to use her name so...
my thoughts...
Today I got my HSC hard copy Certificate, the one which says you passed the HSC and gives you all these nice papers showing you were your mark fitted in with everyone else with columns (I went s***). Well anyway the board of studies was kind enough to mail it snugly behind somebody else’s...