dear ancient history- HOW ON EARTH DID I MANAGE TO GET 86 IN YOU?!
other than that-
adv. eng-78
modern history- 78
legal- 78 (LUCKY NUMBER MUCH!)
entertainment- 79
Closeish to home
Close to shops
New Building even tho i never got to use it, just that they finally finished it.
Free Periods.
Being in yr 12 and being able to basically come and go as you please.
the principal
the uniform policy- why stop and yell at me because my socks are...
What happened is what happened- nothing you can do to change that-and what you end up getting is what you probably deserved. not saying that if u wrote two ur gonna get worse cos thats not nessicerily true, but if you wrote a shit essay ur gonna get a...
Very well said
Can't talk for the HSC yet as i finish tomorrow
but the school cetificate meant shit all after i finished it! I could not have cared less about what i got in it and no i didn't fail. I really means nothing though, not worth stressing about at all, waste ur time stressing over...
Whats happened has happened people
get over it and move on!
There are actually more important things than fretting over the outcome of something that has already happened!
thats what i did. Completely threw out the weaker text (involved dropping an entire point but so what, it was just in there incase i could do two) and then just flogged the other one to death because it was always going to be the stronger one. Had to completely re structure my essay to do it but...
i agree completely. If you guys think going IN to year 12 is stressful, wait till you get to go IN to the hsc exam room. I know the hsc is nothing that serious to go crazy about, yet im still stressed as anything. But then again, i'd be far more stressed if it was that serious to go completely...
ours was fun.... climbed into the school at midnight and trashed it....... string, streamers and toilet paper everywhere. Even glued shoes to some of the building and wrote on the walls etc. Was a pain when they made us clean it up the next morning though!
I agree completely- as my dad always told me "if you put in the spadework you will get the results" it doesnt matter how much money you have etc like if you send your kids to a private school, its the work you put into it.
I got to do an essay on it soon and like i have no idea so happy to swap notes and ideas and stuff if anyone is also interested!
Is any one else doing this film?? and possibly able to help out with notes and stuff regarding the themes and stuff in relation to changing perspectives?? I have to do it for adv. english and it would be great if someone else was too cos like need somewhere to swap notes and ideas and stuff. I...
I have no idea where my first crush is... somwhere on the planet i guess... cos like i wasnt even in his year. He was in year 6 and i was in year 2. really i have no idea.
browsing around and found this
for the record i am a huge fan of musical theatre and my favourate shows are billy elliot and the lion king. I managed to get cheap seats to billy as my friends little brother plays billy in the show and HE IS BRILLIANT! im also told that mary poppins will be...