Re: If a person finishes a degree, can they actually get into any degree after that..
ROFL, he must've been a noob. Theres always bridging courses to meet those prereq/co-requisite needs...
You can do ANY course if you finish the HSC with a high required UAI regardless of what subject you...
But then..the article seems to only focus on
1) Commerce/ Engineering degrees at both UTS/ UNSW..
2) High performing maths/english hsc students..
and thats all.....what about the rest of the courses the uni offers?? Like Advanced Science etc etc..what happen to them? ARE THEY COLLAPSED TOO...
What?! your confusing everyone
Its easier to get into DFEE, after the people who finish their DFEE course - they get their new marks (their UNI MARKS) and then use that to get into a CSP course..the UAI would then be useless to get into a CSP course as they more liklely have gotten a higher...
Actually Domestic FEE paying students have an AVERAGE MINUS tolerence UAI of (-5 to -15) compared to a CSP HECS FEE course..
B Arts (CSP) 09 UAI @ USYD = 75
B Arts (DFEE) 09 UAI @ USYD COULD = 75 -5 OR 75 - 10 OR 75 - 15..
so its easier to get into DFEE in the pass - no wonder why...
Oh yeah, good thinking dude..because some people might have transferred to another course in the final round and then they just fill up the V for those that transferred for the previous course they was in..right chump
But theres always still a chance of getting in the final round
Re: If a person finishes a degree, can they actually get into any degree after that..
Ok, so your saying that in terms of only if a person finishes their entire degree. I see, I didn't know that..thanks...but I dont know if this is true or not..but thanks, lol.
I agree, medicine would be...
Re: If a person finishes a degree, can they actually get into any degree after that..
Yeah NSW and QLD has the same stuff..we just need to convert UAI to OP ranks..and for you - you have to convert OP to UAI. This is by using that table in the UAC site.
So that means yeah, I guess your...
ACUALLY, there was NO (V) for the course in the late round but there was one vacancy in the main round 09..
The course was about 80 in 2008 main round (Thus comparing that to the 07 main round cut offs), then in the main round this year it was about 80..BUT in the late round it went down to...
Re: If a person finishes a degree, can they actually get into any degree after that..
But I thought the uni counts previous grades as as in if a degree is 3 years right? Then wouldn't a persons Grade average/ WAM be somfing like this?:
year 1: GPA 7 out of all credit points for...
Interesting isn't it? Thanks for that, that was interesting kristin..and I like your career also - I know nice people who do that job.
I guess tutorials has its history and tradition, which is why you gotta be there at uni..I think it supports your own research?
DTFM..In my first posts I actually said "What would be the point of going into the best university - if you have the same resources". Yeah, I said what would be the point of going into or trying to get into a top uni...yes BUT I DIDN'T SAY that you should totally ignore universities completely...
HAHA..Kevin Rudd does'nt like Domestic and hence International FEE PAYING students/courses - thats why he phased out the DFEE places for ALL the uni courses..maybe one day he'll phase out the keep the pirates busay :pirate:arrr!
Joking..lols, But does'nt international and...
You seem to have the wrong idea about my point..and so does mosts of you.
MY POINT IS..what is the meaning of going to a great top university (no offence) if you can go to an averaged or "Ok" university to get your degree..the award etc etc IN REAL LIFE ALSO which has the SAME resources in...