Right so someone at my school has screwed up massively - my ranks (as given by the school) were as follows:
English Advanced - 18/60
Chemistry - 11/24
Physics - 6/13
French Continuers - 1/5
English Extension 1 - 3/10
Mathematics Advanced - 9/28
And the BOS rankings are:
English Advanced -...
I've got 293 songs on my iPod over 8 minutes in length - the longest single song (not an entire album in one song) is Incubus - Calgone at 34:13. Plus I have a heap of Drum&Bass Arena mixes well over an hour in length.
Yeah I was keen for some CFCs and ozone questions as well, I had memorised basically all the syllabus outcomes for that particular section. I also had a huge write up about sulfur dioxide emissions and I was a bit annoyed that there was only a question on nitrogen oxides.
Yeah I was keen for some CFCs and ozone questions as well, I had memories basically all the syllabus outcomes for that particular section. I also had a huge write up about sulfur dioxide emissions and I was a bit annoyed that there was only a question on nitrogen oxides.
No Haber process questions, no nuclear chemistry questions and no dry cell battery questions - I studied all that stuff so well and there was none in there. I reckon the test didn't cover enough of our material, it seemed fairly poorly written to me...
Re: Extension Exam - How'd it go?
My essay was 12.5 pages but my short story was only 5 pages (haha probably dropped about 10 marks right there). I was doing 'After the Bomb' - that stimulus for the creative with the train was weird...
I ended up having to study all of these:
Waiting for Godot
The Spy Who Came In From The Cold
The Atomic Cafe
The Crucible
'When the Music's Over' by The Doors
At The Makeshift Aid Station
The Soldier
Children of the Dust
Dr Strangelove
From Russia With...