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  1. Shawn of Mega64

    Anybody NOT going to schoolies at all?

    I was going to Europe, but.. Family went bankrupt back in June and need to pay the sister's school fees upfront (20K) for next year. Ain't got money to do shit. Was planning on getting my mum's Saab for the summer but it looks like that's gone too.
  2. Shawn of Mega64

    Stereotypical Asian Parents

    I gave up on asian chicks after dating this one Chinese girl back in the day. We'd been going out for a while and I end up going to her house. People are home in the house, but when we go in the door she enters this code on the alarm keypad. There are motion detectors everywhere in the place and...
  3. Shawn of Mega64

    What to wear at funeral

    pants, preferable. but you should do your own thing.
  4. Shawn of Mega64

    youtube is amazinggggg

    This thread is everybody's parents. ttt
  5. Shawn of Mega64

    Whose More Pop on Youtube?

    Vloggers peaked in mid to late 2006. Basically before the international boom. The Ask A Ninja crew, winekone. Now it's just a bunch of ads. Just look at the MrChiCity series. An amazing series until you notice product placement, EVERYWHERE. It got to the point where he (they) weren't even...
  6. Shawn of Mega64


    I still play Pokemon Red or Gold on my phone. They're the perfect pick up and play game when I'm bored because I know them back to front.