Don't talk about it before hand because it will just become all uncomfortable and crappy. The best sex is when you both want it (naturally) and when you're both feeling at ease.
For example if you're both lying on your bed, and you feel the moment is right, just kiss her like you normally...
Ouais faut que tu fasses le francais! =) et quand meme a mon avis elle est la plus belle, la plus facile, et la plus utilisante des trois langues.
..Go witth the French. Think it's the easiest out of the three tbf.
Getting shipped half-way around the world, away from your family, into the unkown, and to what was then a completely inhospitible land has surely moulded Australian culture into what it is today. I'm not sure about the whole Catholic thing, I'd say Protestantism from the UK, whose foundations...
To what extent the slowing down of the economy has effected you personally or the area where you live?
I'm finding it almost impossible to get a job, and those that are advertised seem to get around 50 applicants, making it nigh on impossible to actually get employed even in the most menial of...
-Laid back attitude
-Willing to give everyone a fair chance if they're willing to take it, integrate and become an 'aussie' *
-Cold Beers
-Kangaroos, Koalas etc
-The Outback
-Taking the piss out of poms as a hobby
..If I was asked to name...
lol Mate, calm down. I wasn't actually comparing George Bush to Ahmadinejad, just saying that he came off as a bit nutty sometimes, as those crazy religious Americans sometimes do. Anyway, it was a tongue in cheek comment, nothing to be taken too seriously;)
Yeah but he was a bit of a relgious wacko tbf, but he's gone now so everything's all rosey and perfect again in the world, no fighting, no hate, just a whole lot of love;)
I'm with Iron on this. It's not that I wouldn't trust Iran with a nuclear weapon it's just that wouldn't trust a man who has spoken about anihilating and wiping another country of the map with one i.e Mr Ahmadinejad.
For all their faults and blatant hypocrisy over the nuclear issue, I can't...
Maybe the whole relationship/sex thing has just gotten so normal, it's no longer fun. It's the same with everything good tbf, even drinking beer starts to drag after 5 pints.
All I'd say is just wait till you find some guy you really, really like and until then, no flings, no one night...
Just try and act naturally, don't get all worked up and think that people are looking and or judging you because more than likely they won't be, then just go with the flow of things...;) If you say something stupid make a joke out of it, and go from there.
It's good see there's still a little romance around, a real born charmer aren't you lol
but umm..if you like her and she likes you, and she's not like 9 then why not;)