Read the Bible. Take into account how Jesus DIDN'T belong, how His struggle makes sense for Christians to also find it hard to belong, seeing as our strong moral standing and heightened sense of right makes us disliked in present (and past) society. Talk about how Jesus warned against this, and...
How would it not? Typical high school scenario - from the outcast to the best then a happy ending all about how much everyone loves each other. All served on a silver platter.
Yeah, I'm doing bio HSC this year. What is said is true. yr11 is boring covering all the basics, but yr12 is awesomeness!
and yes, less essays =P.
I do accel bio, possessionless. yr12 bio is hectic fun! tho that's my personal opinion.
Also, don't worry about catching up in physics. It's not hard in yr11, I dont' reckon.
HOWEVER! Prepare yourself mentally =P
PS: eww info tech >_>
Nah, you'll be fine. It's nice to do all three because they tend to all tie into one another.
I do all three and Extensions maths and english. Keeping up well and engjoying the lack of essays =P
VERY harsh on you if you don't like calculations and purely information crunching things, though...