Main; B Forensic Science in Applied Chemistry at UTS (1st pref)
Early Feb; B Biomolecular Science at Griffith University (3rd pref)
Taking Griffith one lol :) starting next year woo :) :)
EDIT: Got another offer for 283301 (another course at Griffith ha)
OMG yes!
Once I accidently put something that wasn't a customer's item and then they were like 'That's not mine!'. Then about a minute later I realized I hadn't voided it, and then when I picked it up again they were like "We told you that wasn't ours!".
Nah, I like them, they can fit more into them than the plastic ones and easier to pack, but they are really annoying when they a) don't fit the bag racks, and b) are out of shape. Also, I hate it when the customers have them at the end of their groceries or underneath them >.< Fail.
OMG SAME. And I agree to all that.
I wish people wouldn't be so lazy and unpack their own baskets and swipe their own cards, and wouldn't be so stupid. I DON'T FUCKING TURN THE BELT OFF WHEN I AM FINISHED PUTTING YOUR GROCERIES THROUGH, SO DON'T ACT SURPRISED WHEN YOUR CARDS OR MONEY GO DOWN...
Ok, I had a Fail Customer today.. I had served her, and asked for her card. She didn't answer. When she was getting out her money, I asked her again (a little louder). She said what sounded like "no". I give her her change and receipt and say goodbye, and start with the next transaction.. about...