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  1. KokoNut

    Semester One Results/Predictions
  2. KokoNut

    Semester One Results/Predictions

    my results are just out...=.= arhhh ======================================================== T1 ACCT1501 Accounting & Financial Mgt 1A....77 DN T1 COMP1911 Computing 1A.....................82 DN T1 INFS1602 Info Systems in Business.........80 DN T1 MATH1131 Mathematics...
  3. KokoNut

    Semester One Results/Predictions

    Predictions: ACCT1501 Credit/Pass MATH1131 HD COMP1911 HD/Distinction INFS1602 Credit/Pass hopefully.... at least all passes...haha
  4. KokoNut

    How many past papers have you done?

    last year... english 0, maths ext1 3-4 papers from 2000-2008 maths ext2 all papers from 2000-2008, only Q1-Q5, i gave up other questions.. physics 5 papers from 2000-2008, only did short questions...most of time just looked through them...=( chinese backgroud 0...
  5. KokoNut

    Slightly Racist UNSW Program Guide

    anyone in that photo can tell the truth behind that? lol
  6. KokoNut

    too many international students

    mr2yen just get over it.. and here comes a new international student who will join B Com in two months... Why i dnt go to uni in China?Just because there are 10,200,000 students did the Chinese HSC exam in 2009 (according to 2006 census, there are 19,855,288 people in Australia, and i...
  7. KokoNut

    UNSW Food Guide

    definitely thai and sushi place=)
  8. KokoNut

    B Architectural Studies workload?

    thank you dotcomgirl, thanks for ur detailed answer!!> <
  9. KokoNut

    girls @unsw commerce

    lol at this thread =D n haha i saw chinese characters, how familiar...xD
  10. KokoNut

    B Architectural Studies workload?

    anyone~~? it seems like architecture people don't even have time for internet..- - or they just dnt come to this forum??
  11. KokoNut

    B Architectural Studies workload?

    anyone studies B Architectural studies here? I probably will get into this course next year, and i plan to get a part time job(around 15-20hrs/wk) while i studying in uni. but i've heard people said for architecture the workload is very only can sleep a couple of hours???is that...
  12. KokoNut

    Share your 2009 ATAR here

    97.2 ive never expected this mark, it's toooo high for me... im a math and science hater...-0- however i got quite good marks for them, dnt know why...
  13. KokoNut

    Share your 2009 HSC results here

    my results not as good as i expected, but it's ok... ESL - 85 (not really satisfied with this one...) MathExt1 - 95 MathExt2 - 88(want to get more...) Physics - 86(whatever...i hate science) Chinese Background - 92 (=D love languages!)
  14. KokoNut

    which city in china are u origionally from?

    Sanming/Fuzhou, both in Fujian...=)
  15. KokoNut

    girls doing physics

    there are 2 girls in our class, out of 14 people...=)
  16. KokoNut

    Chinese background speakers

    ohhhhh in ur signiture...akanishi jin!! the whole paper did not mention a bit about "my 1919", but ive done heaps work on it...=v= i wrote Q8 for the last section, i did not know how to end up my essay cuz that one was just the opening speech for a debate, and should i relate it to the debate...
  17. KokoNut

    Chinese background speakers

    how do you find the exam ? hard? i think the exam is doable, but my friends said they screwed up the exam...
  18. KokoNut

    How Bad is the HSC stress for you?

    9-10,cos i thought i failed my two extension maths exams, i felt i was too stupid to waste too many time doing past papers but still couldn't get a good result=) i've got my cbs and physics left..
  19. KokoNut

    How many marks have you dropped?

    i've droppped about 15-20 marks, there will be more if i made silly mistakes, hope i didn't i heard all the maths exams are harder than previous years- -
  20. KokoNut

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Ext 1

    this paper is better than the 4u one, which i did very crap i used first hour to do Q1-Q5... and then Q6 and Q7 took me about 50mins, HOWEVER i still could not work out most of the questions!