So far the advice has been pretty stupid. Somebody mentioned a bulk diet?
In all honesty the quickest results you'll get are from bodyweight exercises. I'm not sure how long until your formal but I guarantee you'll have some results if you train properly.
Pushups to failure x 3 sets, 3...
Continuum, pretend you became a Christian and were so gripped by Christ and felt compelled to live your life as one, do you think raising your children up to become Christians would be high on your list of priorities?
I was assuming that this is for people starting from scratch e.g. slightly overweight, skinny kids
What I've read mostly is just people going on about is flat barbell and dumbbell bench press, you do realise there are other exercises out there people.
You're right, I can't deny that Christ authorised His disciples to establish a Church in His name. Yes they did receive the Holy Spirit and did perform miracles, however I don't see how this is relevant to priests forgiving sin?
Funnily enough, "the Church", also known as the body of Christ...
You guys do weird strength training. No offence but from what I've read you should all probably just focus on muscular hypetrophy and endurance before you start strength training. Unless you've done weight training for a few years and know EXACTLY what you're doing you shouldn't be attempting...
I didn't fail to address James 5:16, I chose not to because it is of little relevance. Talking about one's struggles with sin to another Christian, praying for reassurance and growing spiritually from it doesn't have much to do with forgiving sins.
I thought what Iron was getting at was...
John 5:22 "The Father judges no one, but has given all authority to judge to the Son."
Matthew 28:18 Then Jesus came up and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me."
Iron, John 20:22-23 is about Jesus instructing the disciples as to how people can be...