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  1. B

    Extra Curriculars

    Are there any specific extra curricular activities that Universities are looking for?
  2. B

    Which book would you recommend this holidays?

    Anything by Oscar Wilde - The Importance of Being Earnest, the Picture of Dorian Gray Oscar Wilde is a brilliant wirter, witty and his books are just utterly amazing!
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    Most annoying book of all time

    The most annoying books would have to be Twilight, the Time Machine and Letters to Alice!
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    The "I didn't go well in my half yearlies" Thread

    re: The "I didn't go well in my half yearlies" Thread The rest of my half yearly exams are next week and I have pretty much failed maths so here's to hoping that it doesn't really matter lol
  5. B

    Germany- Hitler

    In my half yearly our Modern History teacher is planning on examining us on Hitler - his background/childhood, early life etc. (We are studying Germany if unsure) This is not detailed in our syllabus document and as such should he be allowed to test us on it? As it is we have to do all our...