What course are you doing at ANU?/ MAJOR
Which year are you in? (1st year? 2nd year? etc)
2st at ANU. 4th overall (2nd in this course)
How many contact hours per week do you have?
How many days off uni do you guys have per week (if any)?
0 (But I'm big on the bailing aspect)...
Oh hells yeah. I'm so super psyched for this.
DO you guys know if non ANU students can come? It's just my sis is going to be over with me for a few days before class starts.
I'm 20 and she's 22.
Geez, I thought I was at the disadvantage with UL, now I think I should be thanking my lucky stars. This is utter rubbish.
AND I can't believe there are internationals w/out UNI accommodation.
First year guarantee my ass.
I think it's also pathetic that the Uni colleges work with...
This is really poor hey. The only reason I got a UL offer is because I was worried when the ANU site said "Accom offer made" despite the fact it wasn't (and you only have strictly 48 hours to reply). I called up and they sent a 3-share through for me. I'm from WA. Not having residence was not an...
Flying from Perth, so it'll be the 14th for me. Living in UL, so I'm not too worried about making the 13th.
And I'm not going to be able to make enrollments (clearly), but I've been able to sort it out with the ANU staff.
I'm in a real shitty situation because on the ANU accommodation portal it says "Accom Offer Made", and I haven't actually been sent an offer. I rang up and gave them a different email address, and still it didn't work.
I'm worried because don't you only have 48 hours to accept before your app...
This year it should be pretty good at UniLodge. But what it ultimately comes down to is attitude. If you think you're going to have a shit year at UL, you will.
I think everyone needs to step up and get over it. Most new undergrads are in exactly the same position.
You can bitch n moan...
I got told there was only a ridiculously small number of places available in the ANU halls this year, which is why they passed up on about 95% of people.
But by the sounds of things, all that overflow is going to UniLodge. So in that case, I'm thinking the social side of things will be a...
Yeah, it's looking towards UniLodge for me too. Maybe us 2010-ers from here should start our own social life there.
It is encouraging to hear reports ArtofLosing. It was originally my first choice before I switched to Bruce, and I have to keep thinking that. Such a downer that I missed out...