Hi there,
I dont actually know if this is where i put this post but im hopping you can help me.
Im in year 12 this year and want to study to be a Medical Lab technician at CIT than go to uni, next year.
I have researched information about it, but i would like to know if any one is studying it...
Hey there,
Does anyone have the song 'When we were friends' by Adam Fecht and Jacqueline Swearengin? Its only in iTunes which i dont have. I really need this song for my IPT Major assessment.
If anyone does, would you be able to put it in this thread
Did anyone read the Grug books by Ted Prior when they were younger and do you still like Grug?
They had about 4 words on each page and an illustration.
I used to borrow them all the time when i was small. Just the other day i borrowed "grug has a birthday' from the library. The librarian...
Mine is A-
It doesnt matter what blood group you are, they are all needed So give BLOOD please. Giving blood only takes 10 minutes of your time. First you have an assessment which includes weight, blood pressure, prick of the finger to test iron levels. And then you go give blood. When it is...
Hi all,
The 'Queanbo model' is where you only study 3 subjects double time in year 11 and then the other 3 subjects in year12. So you actually sit the HSC in year 11 because you did year12 study. This opportunity is a great way, as you can re do any subjects that you may got low marks in. There...
hi there, i was wondering how to get a new thread for a subject that you don't have there on the home page. im sure if the thread was there other people may use it as well.
if anyone can help that would be gratefull, :)
Good Luck!!
for the students that are sitting the exam tomorrow.
Just was wondering how many people are sitting it and where from?
just post here where your from and how many hours you plan to study for the exam.
im from Queanbeyan and depends on how many past papers i can get through.
Good Luck!!
for the students that are sitting the exam tomorrow.
Just was wondering how many people are sitting it and where from?
just post here where your from and how many hours you plan to study for the exam.
im from Queanbeyan and depends on how many past papers i can get through.
hey m3mphis
i have notes on the poems, but i started to type them up, and its going to take some time. some poems are 2-3 pages long. I will try to get them up as soon as possible ass you may be wanting to study them for the HSC.
What type of help do you need, cause i could give you some pointers.
Hi there,
Just wanted to know how many essays you write for english on your topics or in any other subject each night.
I got told that i had to write two essays for each topic to hand in for marking when i go for holiday sessions and i have written about three for one topic. When i start one i...
The poem Red is a subjective truth or perspective communicating to us through the powerful symbol of colours. The poem was written in the last months of their marriage and it is also a last look of their marriage. The symbol 'red' is the colour that Plath liked but in hughes perspective he saw...