I need help on a game reserch task i am doing.
I need to know what programming language Super Mario Bros on the NES was made in?
email me asap the_bowen92@hotmail.com
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Would you consider yourself to be an impatient person?
Yer sometimes
Do you currently use a car as your main form of transportation?
If so, how often?
Most days
If you do use a car, how often would you catch public transport?
For what reason or need do...
Q1. Gender: (X )Male ( )Female
Q2. Age: ( )14 ( )15 ( )16 (X )17 ( )18 ( )19 ( )20
Q3. Were you aware of/have you ever heard anything about the ‘Rave Culture’ or ‘Ravers’ in society today?
( X)Yes ( )No – skip to Q.6
Q4. When you consider the terms; ‘Rave Culture’, ‘Ravers’ or ‘Dance...
im in yr 11 and doin SDD i think its great.
i guess it depends on ur teacher and/or school. My teacher has been a programmer for years and he is a great teacher.