Search results

  1. H

    I Will Smack Your Kid In The Face

    Things in life are never simple.
  2. H

    I Will Smack Your Kid In The Face

    I can't imagine the slapping doing anything but make the crying worse.
  3. H

    ...So my school's on fire?

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, now I get the jokes in Chem :P
  4. H

    just not caring.

    I've never cared. I just accept the fact that what happens simply happens. If life for me goes one way or the other, I don't think about it, I just accept it. Doing the best you can if what really matters, and if that takes you somewhere, so be it. For the HSC, there are so many other ways to...
  5. H

    Is there anyone else who is afraid they wont get their desired UAI?

    I'm more afraid of my ATAR than my UAI, but the point remains. .......sorry for that :(
  6. H

    level of english to do law?

    Depends. You want to become a Chinese Lawyer or an Australian Lawyer? On a serious note, since doing Law requires extensive amounts of communicating, I would suggest a high Band 5 or Band 6 in your chosen language. Also, I'm assuming laywer when you say law?
  7. H

    Chemistry or Economics?

    Chem for sure. Half your marks come from Pracs, which are dead easy, and also means that your exams are spaced out more.
  8. H

    Year 11 and 12 students, HOW DO YOU DO IT?

    Take a more relaxed attitude to your studies. You're still in Yr 11, so nothing major to worry about. Just focus on getting your mindset right for Year 12.
  9. H

    Trial HSC results?

    Lol at random English marks. Reminds me of that Hitler Creative Writing Youtube video.
  10. H

    Trial HSC results?

    I thought we were :(
  11. H

    Ionisation energy of Hydrogen?

    Sorry if this is a, err, "stupid" question, but don't you get a negative if you let nf = infinity and ni=1?
  12. H

    University Open days, anyone?

    Only way to get people to go there :P Usyd was awesome, loved everything.
  13. H

    Jackie Chan vs Jet Li

    Bruce Lee
  14. H

    Accused of cheating during trials

    I think what we have is just a difference in what is significant. To tell you the truth, no, I wouldn't dob in a friend. But I wouldn't stand down either. Cheating in the Trials is getting down to the serious side of life, as opposed to those crummy competitions. This time it actually matters...
  15. H

    Accused of cheating during trials

    Ah, so life is just a popularity contest? As for my cloak, my father James gave it to me. What interest is it to you? Anyway, I digress. Cheating is wrong boys and girls. Don't do it.
  16. H

    Recommend me a book (:
