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  1. jackiesaurus

    hey hey lisa :P havent started writing notes yet :OOO but im determined to, yet soo lazy

    hey hey lisa :P havent started writing notes yet :OOO but im determined to, yet soo lazy
  2. jackiesaurus

    not cracking..

    not cracking..
  3. jackiesaurus

    ahhh.. ic :) lol welcome to the skl then haha byee

    ahhh.. ic :) lol welcome to the skl then haha byee
  4. jackiesaurus

    2009 UMAT - How did it go?

    wagggaaggsdifgsifh? The questions arent all one mark each? Unfair! lol, ok maybe not. But i sure failed then. Guessed more than 10 last q's for S1, and about roughly guessed 10qs for S3!! And i dont mean guess as in roughly picked between two/3 possible anss. MOre like *ohh krap, the guy told me...
  5. jackiesaurus

    Is this julie from mcfields? If so, HIII :) lol i saw you today

    Is this julie from mcfields? If so, HIII :) lol i saw you today
  6. jackiesaurus

    2009 UMAT - How did it go?

    Omg you thought S2 was hard? I own at that one, as compared to the others. One the practice umat test, i only used half the time needed.. But then the actual umat exam S2 (understanding people) was harder than i anticipated: i used up the whole time given without inishing early. S1=totally...
  7. jackiesaurus

    UMAT : Nervous? Excited? Tensed? Suicidal?

    Good reply. I forgot to say that with UMAT i think its either you have it or yu don't. You dont need someone to teach you logic when you're at this age. And even if they did, it wouldn't benefit you much, maybe just calm your nerves more so you're more familiar with all this stuff. lol, hung...
  8. jackiesaurus

    UMAT : Nervous? Excited? Tensed? Suicidal?

    tensed.. not suicidal. HAHA.. maybe almost, for the hsc but not umat. I have had no umat coaching while this other girl i know had training and everything. OMG what the hell.. I failed the first section of the umat practice booklet, and took twice the amt of time given for it :L HAHA has this...
  9. jackiesaurus

    how many free periods do you have?

    i have around 5 free periods a weeks. Thanks to dropping english and maths extensioN!! Regret dropping english though.... But yeah 5x52mins= around 250mins a week.. But then my grade have double free on wednesday which was included in those 250 mins, so nothing special like :O
  10. jackiesaurus

    how many free periods do you have?

    wow how can youhave 3 free periods a day on all days except wednesday? Do u only have 5 units or something?
  11. jackiesaurus

    brüno movie

    Borat is hell funny. Hope the new bruno movie is as good, though i heard it was too short: only an hour an a half..
  12. jackiesaurus

    Optus Fusion plans

    yay extel prices.. im thinkin of getting extel/whatever after reading this post :) looks good if you really use up that 60 gigs lol. Im a net noob but tend to watch movies and youtube thiings ALOT but the fastest ive ever used up my 2gb ($69 optus fusion) was in 10 days, and that was when i got...
  13. jackiesaurus

    Optus Fusion plans

    Hi ! Im on the optus $69 fusion plan with unlimited calls to home phones nation wide and unlimited free calls to Optus GSM mobiles. My phone bills used to be MAXIMUM like $65 a month; so i feel the plan im with is worth it :P But 2gb is starting to disappear by the middle of the month, sometimes...
  14. jackiesaurus

    Jonas brothers

    meh/ i USED to like them. but they gotta stop with the whiney voices and start sounding like actual guys ! i like nick jonas's voice best. His song- appreciate is really good. Its ok that he sounds like a girl there cuz he was only 11 when he sang it :)